
January 17, 2024

As the construction industry continues to trend toward sustainable construction practices, 再生骨料和原生骨料之间的选择已经成为新项目的关键考虑因素. Although recycled aggregate and virgin aggregate can be used interchangeably in certain applications, 重要的是要知道这两类材料之间的差异,以作出明智的决定,最好使用哪一个和何时.

1. Source

Virgin aggregate comprises the naturally occurring sand, gravel and rock 从地下开采或以其他方式提取的,以前未用于建设项目或任何其他用途的. It is a finite natural resource.

再生骨料是从建筑和拆除的碎片中回收的骨料- -例如从建筑物的解构和道路的修复中得到的混凝土和沥青- -再加工用于新的建筑项目. 再生骨料的其他来源包括挖掘出的土壤和水力废物.

2. Environmental impact


As aforementioned, virgin aggregate is a finite resource. 使用再生骨料通过将以前使用过的建筑材料返回工业,减少了对自然资源的需求.

Recycled aggregate has other environmental benefits too. Recycling aggregate from C&D debris streams diverts this waste from landfills, reducing the environmental impact associated with landfill disposal.

与提取和加工原生骨料相比,再生骨料的生产也产生更少的温室气体排放, reducing carbon footprint. 如果回收场比原始骨料生产商或填埋场更靠近建筑活动,则运输卡车的碳足迹也可能减少.

Finally, 回收骨料有助于支持循环经济,回收预定填埋的骨料,并对其进行处理,以便在建筑行业中重新使用. 这些以前使用过的建筑材料作为再生骨料被赋予了新的生命,可以再次使用, minimizing the amount of material sent to waste.

3. Cost

原生骨料和再生骨料的成本取决于几个因素, including location, demand and transportation.

Recycled aggregate may be cheaper in some cases, especially if it is sourced locally and transportation costs are reduced. 它还提供了一种经济有效的方法来利用原本被认为是废物的材料. However, in areas where natural sand is in abundance, virgin aggregate may be the more lucrative option.

When considering cost, 请记住,与原生骨料相比,再生骨料每吨的体积产量更高. 再生骨料比原生骨料轻15%,每吨的体积增加15%.

4. Performance

原生骨料通常在质量和性能方面更一致, 然而,再生骨料的性能可能因来源和加工方法而异. However, for many applications, recycled aggregate is structurally equivalent to virgin aggregate, particularly when used as road base or subbase.

对于要求精确规格的应用,首选原生骨料. 某些承重应用也要求使用原生骨料而不是再生骨料.

再生骨料具有较高的渗透系数,具有较好的排水效果, and the angularity of the material makes it more compactable.


  • Base for foundations and roadways
  • Drainage and septic systems
  • Landscaping
  • Backfill for retaining walls
  • Pipe bedding


  • Utility trench backfill for pipework
  • Interlocking blocks
  • Base for walkways, patios and pavers
  • Animal footing
  • Non-load bearing and some load-bearing ready-mix concrete
  • Masonry sand
  • Asphalt / bituminous concrete (blacktop)

5. Regulatory compliance

原生骨料通常按照既定的工业标准生产, making it easier to comply with regulatory requirements.

If planning to use recycled aggregate, 检查当地法规和标准,确保再生骨料的使用符合规格和质量要求. 有些规格允许在最终混合料中加入一定比例的再生骨料.

6. Production process

The production of virgin aggregate involves extracting the sand, gravel or rock from quarries, mines, rivers, lakes and other bodies of water. 然后,根据被加工的材料类型和所需的最终菠菜网最稳定正规平台_最全菠菜网大全,原材料经历各种干湿工艺. These processes can include crushing, screening, washing and classifying, scrubbing and dewatering.

生产再生骨料需要从拆卸的建筑物或建筑工地收集物料,并将骨料与非骨料进行分类, such as metals, wood and drywall. 从那里开始,骨料材料经历与原始骨料相似的过程,包括 crushing, screening, washing and classifying, scrubbing and dewatering.

However, because of the inconsistencies in most C&D feeds, processing plants handling these materials must be thoughtfully designed. 将物料流动方向的变化控制在最小是有帮助的, 包括多个阶段的金属移除,并确保设备周围有足够的空间进行内务管理和易于箕斗容器移除.

7. Quality and consistency

原生骨料往往具有一致的质量和特征,因为它来自自然矿床. The grading and properties can be more predictable.

再生骨料的质量可能因来源和加工方法而异. 仔细的质量控制是必要的,以确保回收材料符合要求的规格.

了解再生骨料和原生骨料之间的差异将使您能够根据项目要求做出明智的决定,选择使用哪种材料, environmental goals and cost. If possible, 考虑在可行的情况下使用再生骨料的组合,并在需要时补充原始骨料.

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